ESG and sustainability | Towards a better future
Our mision is to advance wind performance, with a vision that it creates cleaner and more affordable energy through wind power
Our mision is to advance wind performance, with a vision that it creates cleaner and more affordable energy through wind power
Our first voluntary ESG report marks an important step in our commitment to sustainable business practices. With this report, we establish our baseline, and set the direction for the years to come.
As a business partner to the wind industry in particular, we see ESG as more than just reporting. It is a framework for how we create long-term value for both our customers, employees and the environment. This first voluntary ESG report has been about building the foundation, meaning that we do not have all data available yet. The purpose has been to publish is a transparent, honest report of where we stand today, and where we are going.
We hope you will enjoy reading it!
At Spica Technology we invest in a better future, within areas where we can contribute in the best way. Global challenges have never been higher on the political agenda with call to action towards companies and individuals. We take responsibility for our society, the environment, the climate and our employees – and strive to make the world better and sustainable through our actions and solutions. For over 20 years, we have been striving for 100% sustainable energy supply through our high-quality technologies and innovative concepts. Our solutions are manufactured on-site at our facility in Denmark where we have high environmental standards for the entire production process. We carefully choose suppliers and business partners who take part in the green transition, so we can decrease our environmental footprint – together.
By supporting Danske Hospitalsklovne (Danish Hospital Clowns) with sponsorship, we try to ensure the well-being of hospitalized children and their families. Spending part of or their whole childhood being ill, is not how it is supposed to be. This is why we support this organization who tries to be present, caring and fun for hospitalized children and their near families. Trying to make time pass in a more fun and human way. Ensuring understanding and comfort when children are having bad news in the hospital. Passing time between examinations. Making an examination less frightening.
Both physical and mental health is at stake. Danske Hospitalsklovne exists to make children’s hospital life less scary and boring, and we are proud to be their sponsor.
Besides our passion for wind power and green energy, climate and resource protection are driving forces for Spica’s employees. Our actions and business not only have an impact on our entrepreneurial success, but also an impact for people and the environment. To ensure, that we can continue to support this vision, we find it important to pass on our knowledge to younger generations, through specific educational programs that combine the newest standards within electronics and turbine control technology. With over 25 years experience in the field, we ensure that our knowledge will be passed on through our own educational programs, to contribute to a future with clean energy.
Our mission is to advance wind performance, with a vision that it creates cleaner and more affordable energy through wind power. Not only by providing solutions towards new wind farms, but also through optimization and life-extension of older turbines. Our controller-designs contribute to more efficient wind energy production. Through our retrofit controller solutions towards older wind turbines, we are able to extend the lifetime of wind turbines with up to 20 years, making turbine owners able to produce affordable energy and save expenses on service, spare parts and eventually new turbines.
Furthermore, we at Spica Technology produce our own sustainable energy through our own wind turbine. Hereby contributing with more clean energy than what is used in our production. All our produced energy is sold directly to local energy supply from the same area.
Through our vision, Spica has been awarded the Danish “Succesful Company” award (2020, 2021 and 2022), due to our contribution to local and national growth. Additionally Spica has been awarded the Danish “Børsen Gazelle” award (2022) which is defined by continious economic growth in the past four years. By advancing wind performance, we contribute to the wind industry and a sustainable economic growth, not only nationally but also globally.
Our sustainable policies are inspired by the UN Global goals for sustainable development. We believe that businesses play a large role towards making the world more sustainable and that it will be required, to show a contribution. You can read more about the sustainable development goals here.
Spica Technology ApS
Bergsøesvej 12
DK-8600 Silkeborg
+45 86 80 14 40
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